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中文名: 斯坦福大学开放课程 :人类健康的未来 - 七个颠覆你思想的演讲
英文名: Open Stanford Course : The Future of Human Health: 7 Very Short Talks That Will Blow Your Mind
资源格式: MP4
学校: 斯坦福大学
主讲人: Jennifer Raymond etc.
版本: 更新完毕
发行日期: 2009年11月12日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
This week the 2009 TED Conference is kicking into full gear, and it’s getting live blogged by BoingBoing throughout the week. See for example here, here and here. If you’re familiar with the TED format, you’ll know that the goal is to take influential thinkers and have them deliver the “talk of their lives” in 18 crisp minutes or less. It’s a good model, and it’s one that Stanford used during the fall when it delivered a short course called: “The Future of Human Health: Seven Very Short Talks That Will Blow Your Mind.” In the lecture posted above, Jennifer Raymond talks about what changes in our brains when we learn and remember, and how our understanding of these processes (and of specifically neural circuits) can eventually lead to treatments for learning disabilities, dementia and Alzheimer’s. You can find the complete list of short talks on YouTube and iTunes as well.
Jennifer RaymondHonors and Awards
EJLB Foundation Scholar, EJLB Foundation (2004)
Terman Fellow, Stanford University (1999)
Klingenstein Fellow, Klingenstein Foundation (1999)
McKnight Scholar, McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience (1999)
Sloan Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1999)
Professional Education
Ph.D.: U Texas, Houston, Neuroscience (1993)
B.A.: Williams College, Mathematics (1987)

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